Worcester Beekeepers

AGM 2024

Friday 15th November
AGM - details emailed separately.

Training Apiary News

All quiet on winter’s approach. See you in the spring!
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Wishing all our members a successful year of beekeeping.

Remember to check that your bees have enough stores to get them through till Spring.

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If you are interested in beekeeping, becoming a member of Worcester Beekeepers’ Association is an ideal starting point. You don’t even need to keep bees, just have an interest in this fascinating and rewarding hobby. Membership costs as little as £5 per year for an associate membership – for those who do not yet have bees of their own.

If you decide to keep bees you will need to become a full member. The annual subscription for up to three hives starts at £29. A full membership automatically enrols you as a member of the British Beekeeper’s Association (BBKA). Not only will you gain a wealth of knowledge from the BBKA and be covered by comprehensive and product liability insurance, but you will also receive a monthly newsletter of what’s happening in the beekeeping world.

download membership form

Hive inspection record

This form will help you to keep accurate records of your hive.

Bee ID guide

A short guide to identifying honeybees, bumblebees, wasps/hornets and hoverflies.

Membership form

Become a member. Complete this form.

Sting Information

It is inevitable as a beekeeper or just being around bees that you will at sometime or another get stung!

Branch equipment

Please email Roy Round at villagebees@gmail.com to check availability or to reserve equipment.


Glossary of bee keeping terms for reference.